Couverture Biographie Carte et Photos 1 The dream comes true
She had just moved to Ottawa from British Columbia, all the way across the country, and her name was Amy. It was only a few days until the Christmas holidays so she had come in to meet the teacher. In January, she would join our class for real. She only stayed for a minute and then she was gone. I hadn’t said anything more than hello. I hadn’t told her where I lived, or gotten her phone number. I didn’t even know her address! And I had let her leave.
I thought about it all day, and all night too. I wasn’t used to making friends. I didn’t really think I needed any. I was fine on my own, with my books and my imagination. But there was the dream. It had to mean something, didn’t it? Fate seemed too big to ignore.
J'y pensai toute la journée et toute la nuit aussi. Je n'avais pas l'habitude de me faire des amis. Je ne pensais vraiment pas en avoir besoin. J'étais très bien toute seule avec mes livres et mon imagination. Mais il y avait ce rêve. Il devait bien vouloir dire quelque chose, n'est-ce-pas ? Les signes du destin étaient trop importants pour être ignorés.
So the next morning, I poured myself a bowl of cereal and sat down at the kitchen table with my mother and my brother. My father usually got up earlier than us, and he was already gone to work. Mom poured me a big glass of orange juice.
“Mom, I met a girl at school yesterday, and I think she’s going to be my new best friend.”Mom laughed. “Oh really? Did she like the same book  as you?”“No. We didn’t really talk to each other. But she was in my dream.”My brother punched me in the arm. “Why do you have to be so weird all the time?” he said.Don’t hit  your sister,” Mom said, but she didn’t sound angry. She was too used to us fighting all the time to take it seriously anymore.I kicked Josh under the table. “It’s true! I dreamed about her and then I met her!“That’s sweet, honey,”  Mom said, but I could tell  she didn’t believe me eitherJosh kicked me back.“I know she lives on Webster Avenue. Can we go after school and try to find  her?” I asked. I gave Mom my very best "sweet youngest child" face. I don’t think she believed the sweetness, but she laughed.“Okay, sure. But you’re going to be late, hurry up with your breakfast.”My cereal was starting to get soggy, so I snuck a teaspoon of sugar to add to the  healthy  oat crunch cereal and ate it as fast as I could.“Orange juice!” Mom reminded me. I sighed as loudly  and dramatically as possible, but I drank it down in  four big gulps.“Finished!” I had never been so excited  to go to school. Because going to school meant it would be over soon, and when it was over, I would get to see my new best friend.